Laboratory Natural Farming audio & videos
Natural Farming is not an illusionary dream, but a very practical way to reconnect and cooperate with nature (and our own nature) again.
You will receive the audio and 3 short videos of the Natural Farming Weekend with Kutluhan Ă–zdemir that was held in Spain on March 11 and 12 with information about the following topics:
– Introduction to Natural Farming
– Soil fertility and invasive species
– Natural form of trees
– Reproduction of trees
– Vegetable garden
– Vegetable garden making
– Seeds and Clay balls
Videos about:
– Setting up a Natural vegetable garden
– Making clay balls
– Extra surprise!
You can choose the amount you would like to give to appreciate this content. There is no minimum, so everything is accessible to everyone. All donations for this event will be invested in Natural Farming.
Thank you so much.
Link to the website of Kutluhan: