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Catch-up 2: Three years in Spain

 18 September 2024 – 8 pm CET / 1 pm CST

This event is all about our personal journey here in Spain.

Almost three years ago we landed here on this mountain. The first year was tough and although we still have so much to do and face so many challenges, we are now more established and can handle many more things.

  • How do we make the transition from individual thinking to community care?
  • What is it like to live in a country with a different culture, language and customs and does this create challenges?
  • What projects are we focusing on right now? An association for women?
  • What is “Give it back to nature” and how did it originate?
  • How do we join forces to build our own food autonomy?
  • How do we work with local politics/businesses and initiatives?
  • What is it like to run an organization on donations independent of government support when everything around us due to poverty depends on this money to get things done?
  • Why do we take things into our own hands when many things are “not our responsibility,” or are they?
  • How do we see the future?

And much more!

Thank you so much for your donation and making so much possible!

The link to the call will be at the top of your receipt.

Minimum amount: 0.00
